Are Balance Boards Good for Standing Desk Use?

Person standing on a balance board

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Could standing on a balance board while working at your standing desk be a good way to boost your health and productivity? This article provides an overview of the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating a balance board into your standing desk routine, offering insights to help you decide if this approach is right for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Using a balance board with a standing desk engages many different muscles, primarily the core and leg muscles. 
  • By increasing muscle engagement and encouraging more movement, balance boards promote weight loss, circulation, focus, and good posture and can reduce muscle fatigue.
  • Balance boards are suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
  • Balance boards can be seamlessly integrated into your standing desk routine because they can be used while working at a desk.

What Is a Balance Board?

Person moving on a wobble board

A balance board is a fitness tool designed to improve balance, core, leg, and ankle strength, as well as overall coordination. By creating an unstable surface, it requires users to make constant micro-adjustments to maintain balance, engaging many different muscles throughout the body.

Balance boards come in various designs and types, but the objective remains the same – to challenge and improve your balance and stability. By standing on a balance board, you are constantly making small adjustments to maintain balance, which especially engages your core and leg muscles. 

Different Types of Balance Boards

When it comes to balance boards, there are several different types available, each with its own unique design and functionality. These boards offer variations in movement and challenge, allowing users to find the perfect balance board for their needs.

With a wide range of balance board options available, you can choose the one that suits your preferences and fitness goals. Whether you want a more challenging and dynamic experience or prefer a gentler and more stable platform, there is a balance board for everyone. 

TypeShort Description
Rocker BoardsFlat surface on top of two curved bases, rocking in two directions
Wobble BoardsRound design with a hemispherical fulcrum, allowing movement in all directions
Roller BoardsUnattached fulcrum, resembling a skateboard deck, on top of a cylindrical log

Rocker Boards

Person standing on a Rocker Board

Rocker boards, featuring a flat surface on top of two curved bases, allow for two-directional rocking movements, either forward-and-backward or side-to-side, depending on how the bases are attached. They are particularly well-suited for beginners due to their simple design, which provides a basic level of instability.

Wobble Boards

Person standing on a wobble board

Wobble boards are characterized by their round design and a hemispherical fulcrum at the base, allowing for movement in all directions. This extensive range of motion is a step up in difficulty, making wobble boards an excellent choice for standing desk users who have already gotten comfortable with the basic balance challenges presented by rocker boards.

Roller Boards

Man standing on a roller board

Roller boards consist of an unattached fulcrum, resembling a skateboard deck on top of a cylindrical log. Among all balance boards, they require the highest level of balance and control, making them suitable for experienced users looking to advance their skills and engage their muscles more intensively.

Despite their benefits for advanced balance training, roller boards are generally not recommended for use with a standing desk due to their high degree of instability and the intensive focus required to maintain balance, which can distract from work tasks and increase the risk of falls.

What Are the General Benefits of Using a Balance Board?

A balance board offers a variety of benefits that enhance the use of a standing desk, helping to improve posturecore strength, and overall muscle toning. By incorporating a balance board into your daily routine, you can enhance your physical well-being and combat the negative effects of prolonged sitting or standing.

Improved Posture

Using a balance board engages your core muscles and promotes proper alignment, leading to improved posture. As you try to maintain balance on the board, you automatically activate your core muscles, which help to support your spine and prevent slouching.

Core Strength and Muscle Toning

Balance boards are excellent for strengthening and toning muscles, particularly in the legs and core. As you shift your weight and adjust to the board’s movements, your muscles work harder to maintain stability, resulting in increased muscle activation and toning over time.

Increased Focus and Coordination

Using a balance board requires mental and physical engagement, enhancing your focus and concentration. By challenging your coordination and balance, you can improve your ability to concentrate and stay engaged in your tasks.

Better Circulation and Reduced Muscle Fatigue

The constant movement and adjustments required on a balance board help to improve circulation, reducing the risk of blood pooling in your legs. Additionally, using a balance board can help reduce muscle fatigue and stiffness associated with prolonged standing, as it encourages small micro-movements and prevents muscle stagnation.

Should You Use a Balance Board With a Standing Desk?

Balance boards are gaining popularity not only in fitness settings but also in everyday life, especially for those who use standing desks.

Balance boards are a very suitable complement to standing desks because they enable users to incorporate physical activity into their work routine without interrupting their workflow. You can seamlessly use a balance board while working at your standing desk.

And because balance boards offer significant benefits that are particularly beneficial for standing desk users, which are reduced muscle fatigue, improved posture, better circulation, and increased focus, it is definitely worth using one with a standing desk.

While balance boards can provide all these benefits, they require a level of focus that might distract from work tasks initially until one becomes used to using a balance board while working.

Deciding to add a balance board to your standing desk setup is really about if you’re okay with trying something new and a bit uncomfortable at first. If the idea of improving your health at work sounds good, and you don’t mind a short period of getting used to it, then a balance board could be a great choice for you.


In conclusion, incorporating balance boards into your standing desk setup can bring numerous benefits for your overall well-being. By using a balance board, you can improve your posture, strengthen your core and leg muscles, and increase your overall movement throughout the workday.

Balance boards serve as versatile and effective tools for engaging your muscles, improving coordination, and promoting a healthier work environment. They are excellent accessories for standing desks, providing a means to enhance the advantages of standing and combat the negative effects of prolonged sitting or standing.

With the ergonomic design and functionality of balance boards, you can improve your posture, engage your muscles, and enhance your focus while working. Balance boards are generally suitable for users of all ages and fitness levels, and they can be particularly beneficial for seniors seeking to enhance their balance and mobility. As mentioned, for unsure beginners, Rocker Boards are recommended. 

By taking advantage of the ergonomics offered by balance boards, you can create a healthier and more active work environment, improving your overall productivity and wellbeing.


How Long Should I Stand on a Balance Board While Using a Standing Desk?

There’s no official guideline for how long you should stand on a balance board at a standing desk. However, starting with a 5-minute interval each hour and gradually increasing to longer periods based on comfort is a practical approach. Always prioritize listening to your body’s signals over adhering strictly to any specific timeframe to avoid overexertion and ensure the activity remains beneficial and safe.

Who should use a balance board?

Balance boards can be used by anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. They are beneficial for standing desk users, those in physical therapy or rehabilitation, and seniors seeking to improve balance and mobility.

Does standing for long periods cause any health issues?

Standing for extended periods can lead to various health issues, such as foot and leg pain, swelling, and poor circulation. However, alternating between sitting and standing and incorporating movement breaks can help mitigate these risks.